Tuesday, February 18, 2014

IPv4 - Claw back the Class A's from corporations!

(reposting my article comment from here:)
NetworkWorld: Whatever happened to the IPv4 address crisis?

I'm sure you've heard all about how IPv4 is dying. It's running out of available numbers. IPv6 is touted as the big solution, but it's cumbersome, complicated, and not backwards compatible with IPv4.

But IPv4 can survive. It just needs some small changes.

I hereby propose the CIDR 8 / Class A clawback: "We were here first, so we're claiming 16,777,216 addresses (1/256th of the entire address space) for ourselves! You can't have it, nyah nyah!" Oh really, IBM, Apple, MIT, General Electric, Ford, Halliburton?

Wikipedia article: List of assigned /8 IPv4 address blocks

New rule: If you're not a regional address assignor (APNIC, ARIN, RIPE, etc), you have to give up your IPv4 /8 and get more sane /24 allocations or smaller.

New rule: If you're not a regional address assignor you cannot be assigned anything larger than an IPv4 /24 (256 addresses). Consecutive blocks of /24 are fine. You cannot be reassigned more than 16 /24 blocks (4096 addresses) within your original /8.

New rule: Anyone who refuses to release control of their /8 after five years will be made unroutable except for the first /24 of that space (ex, Apple /24), and the rest of the addresses reassigned by force.

They might claim a decades-old reliance on a /8 network architecture, but this argument is completely blown away by the fact that they could switch to the dedicated private /8 range and still have full end-to-end connectivity across the entire 16 million address space.

Cellular Adaptation: the real problem of addiction

I think the problem of drug addiction (opiates, alcohol, and many more) is really cellular adaptation.

Your cells have a programmed way of operating in your DNA that they try to follow as much as possible. Things like opiates screw up that operation, and for a cell, operating outside normal metabolic parameters can lead to death of either the cell or the entire organism (you), so your cells do what they can to suppress the foreign substance, and try go back to operating normally.

If this means developing antibodies to destroy the foreign substance, or finding ways to adjust their normal metabolic processes to adapt to the problem, your cells will do it.

Being blissed out of your mind on opiates may feel good to "you" (the consciousness that your cells are sustaining in their neural net that we call the brain) but while you're doing that to yourself, your cells are trying to purge and block the drugs to try to keep themselves / you alive.

In nature, an animal that is blissed out of its mind has the potential to end up very much dead from thirst, starvation, or getting killed by a predator, so it's in your cells' own best interest to keep you as un-blissed-out as possible.

It takes time for your cells to figure out countermeasures to foreign substances that screw up metabolism, but if your body is flooded with the substance they will respond more quickly to control the problem and stop it from affecting normal operations.

Therefore, restricting dosage to the smallest effective amount, reduces the likelihood of your cells adapting, and reduces the likelihood of you needing ever greater amounts to experience the same effect.

Addiction is probably the result of lingering effects of cells trying to combat the problem. You are blissing yourself out of your mind, and meanwhile your own cells are conducting a massive antidrug suppression to get rid of the foreign substance and stop its effects on your metabolism.

Eventually the drug wears off but your cells continue the assault, and now your metabolism goes too far the other way (leading to your general discomfort and suffering, leading to cravings for more of the drug), until your cells figure that out too and learn to back off on their suppression efforts (the withdrawal process), and your battle-scarred metabolic battlefield is finally able to return to more or less normal operation.

But, the cellular weapons of mass drug destruction remain armed and ready for attack at any sign of the invader, which is why just one dose or drink for a recovered addict, can push you (and your cells) over the edge again into all-out war (and withdrawal symptoms) all over again.

So, how do we really combat addiction? Well we could probably take a look at what exactly cells are doing when they try to adapt to an addicting substance. What metabolic changes occur in cells, and what are the specific countermeasures they take to suppress the substance, leading to addiction?

Is there some way to slow down or stop this cellular adaptation, without damaging cellular metabolism in general?

If so, then to keep painkillers effective, in addition to the actual drug, you would take a second chemical that counteracts the cellular adaptation process, and keeps the drug in full effect every time you take it.

Is it possible to reverse the cellular adaptation process to addicting substances, without damaging the other metabolic defense mechanisms?

How and where is the adaptive information stored, and how do cells draw upon this information and use it to combat the foreign substance in the future?

Is this information encoded in similar ways across entirely different organisms, or is it encoded uniquely to each organism? (Is a generalized approach to suppressing the drug tolerance / cellular adaptation process possible?)

These are all extremely interesting questions, potentially with extremely profitable answers to the addictive-drug painkiller industry.

But I am not a cellular-metabolism microbiologist, so I'm likely not going to be doing anything in this area of research. However, it is my hope this post might lead someone else to do the research.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Have the US Dept of Defense take over Windows XP updating

Mr. Ballmer,
Although Microsoft is planning to discontinue support for Windows XP in April 2014, it is thought that there's still at least 500 million people using it. When support is discontinued, it is expected that XP will eventually become a virus and botnet-infested mess, as new software exploits are discovered that can not and will not be fixed.
Microsoft is obviously interested in making money for its shareholders, so it does not make sense for the company to continue to provide updates for its obsolete software releases. But it is in the best interest of the US federal government and our national defense that Windows XP bugs still get fixed, even if Microsoft doesn't want to foot the bill anymore.
There much talk about "cybersecurity" and protecting our national defense by providing free software updates and virus protection to the poor or the technically unskilled. Dropping XP support seems an extremely bad idea for the overall cybersecurity of our country, so perhaps the US government should step in and take over the costs of updating XP from Microsoft.
What would it cost for the US government to fully take over the XP update process? Updating could still be handled by Microsoft employees, who salaries are now instead directly paid for by the US Dept of Defense.
If Microsoft wishes to completely wash its hands of XP, would you be willing to sell or transfer the intellectual property rights to the US government so that they have full access to the source for debugging and update purposes?
Updates paid for and provided by the US government could be handled through the standard Windows update process that Microsoft has already established, though with a new "opt-out" option if people do not wish to continue receiving XP updates that are explicitly paid for and provided by the US government.
Thank you for your time.
- Dale Mahalko